About Us
We are a welcoming and empowering congregation that is ‘Impacting Lives and Inspiring Life’ physically and spiritually.
Our Beliefs
A United Methodist is someone who joins in that mission by putting faith and love into action. We believe that God loves all people, and that we share in expressing that love. So the United Methodist tradition emphasizes God’s grace and in serving others. We believe that Jesus Christ is the fullest expression of God’s love–showing us the fullness of God’s care through Jesus’ teachings, death and resurrection.
Rev. Portia Cavitt
Lead Pastor
Reverend Cavitt, affectionately known as Pastor P, has been our shepherd since July 1st, 2008. As the current president of the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance of Metropolitan Omaha, NE, Reverend Cavitt has helped to unite the Omaha community across denominational and community lines with the purposes of building greater community while advocating for human rights and social justice.
Our History
Clair Memorial United Methodist Church has celebrated 99 years of ministering to Omaha congregations. The endurance and durability of the church has at its roots a lot of hard work and Christian dedication from the members of the many congregations that span across the years. As so many things change in the secular world, other things remain the same in the world of the church: steadfast members willing to engage in the work of the Lord.
Beginning in 1913 and with the help of Mr. Harvey Grove and the Nebraska Methodists, Rev. Dudley Smith and a small group of Christian workers were able to secure a building. Named in honor of Mr. Grove (for his support and contributions), the Grove Methodist Episcopal Church was established at 22nd and Seward.
Rev. G. G. Logan, an appointee from the Mississippi Conference, served as the second pastor of the church from 1915 to 1918. The Reverends L. S. Deas and T. S. Sanders, each of whom served a year, succeeded Rev. Logan. During the next nine years, Grove Methodist Episcopal Church was fortunate to have several ministers with vision to lead its congregations: Reverends E. W. Cox, Sims and Ellis (from New York) began to take the church in needed directions. Rev. Ellis was transferred to Springfield IL.
In 1927, after Rev. T. V. Orville (from the Louisiana Conference) was assigned to the Omaha church, the congregation did, in fact, move to a smaller building, which was located at 22nd and Miami Streets. At that time, the church was re-named Clair Methodist Episcopal Church in honor of the resident Bishop, Matthew W. Clair, Sr. After his death, the name of the church was changed to Clair Memorial Methodist Church. Following Rev. Orville, Rev. Higgs, Rev. James McKnight and Rev. Alfred Clay served as Pastor.
The 30’s were a time when the nation was in the throes of the Great Depression. Clair was not exempt. In 1932, Clair lost its parsonage. Because of the efforts of Rev. W. C. Conwell who served as Pastor from 1932 to 1935 and assistance from the General Board of Extension, the church was saved.
Rev. G. D. Hancock was the next minister to serve. He was responsible for Inter-Denominational Union Services and for engaging youth in the work of the church. He encouraged them to take an active role in the Quarterly and Annual Church Conferences.
Notably, the next minister to pastor at Clair served a longer term 7 years – than any of the previous eleven leaders. Rev. C. C. Reynolds was able to accomplish many goals during that period. The membership grew. Church organizations became more viable. The church paid off the $9000 debt owed to the Board of Extension and purchased another parsonage at 2028 Miami. Rev. Reynolds’ musical background was a significant factor in building a choir that was recognized as one of the best in the city. In addition to leading the religious life of the church, Rev. Reynolds served as a member of the Council of Churches, the InterDenominational Ministerial Alliance, Methodist City Union and hosted radio programs for KOAD and KFAB.
In 1945, a Sociology instructor at Clark College was appointed to succeed Rev. Reynolds. Rev. C. K. Hayes worked wit) associate ministers J. E. Wade and Marion Jones. The administrative hierarchy included District Superintendent (Topeka) Rev. J. J. Johnson and Bishop E. W. Kelley of St. Louis, MO.
1958 was another keystone year in the life of the church. Clair purchased a property at 2243 Evans Street. This building would be home to the church for the next twenty-five years. On Palm Sunday, the congregation marched from the 22nd and Miami building to the Evans Street Church. Credited with this move was the Rev. E. T. Streeter who would serve as Clair’s leader for a period of 19 years. He also served as Superintendent of the Nebraska Conference for three years.
In 1968, the racially segregated Central Jurisdiction of which Clair was a pan, was dissolved. A re-uniting of the Evangelical, United Brethren and Methodist Episcopal churches resulted in a merger that formed the United Methodists.
During the decade of the ’70s when Clair was 50+ years old, more new programs were established that put the churål squarely on the map in Omaha. A day care center and a drug education program were just two initiatives under Rev, Haswell G. Young, who was assigned to Clair in 1970. He came from the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, GA.
Two years later (in 1972), another young’ minister from Chattanooga TN was appointed to lead Clair. During the tenure of Rev. Charles E. Young, church programs thrived and grew. The daycare program expanded to serve over seventy-five children. A new P. A. system added a new dimension to church services while the purchase of a new Hammond organ and a ‘new Joyful Sounds choir’ enhanced the music ministry of the church. Additionally, Rev. Young and his congregation provided a financial base for what was to come in terms of Clair’s expansion. He would die in the office.
To fil the vacancy created by Rev. Young’s death, the youngest minister in Clair’s history was appointed in 1958. Rev. Aaron D. Black, of Dallas, TX, at 34, had many visions for Clair… vistas not yet traversed. Most bold was the possibility of building a new church. Other alternatives were to complete badly needed renovations to the Evans Street property, or, to purchase an existing facility.
Not only is the month of August celebratory relative to the church anniversary, but 25 years ago, in August 1983, the minister and congregation moved to the church purchased at 5544 Ames, its current location. During the pest twenty years, the sanctuary has been refurbished with stained glass brought from the Evans Street location and several other areas of the building have been remodeled. Building on the strengths of the past and continuing in the leadership tradition of those who preceded him, Dr. Everett Reynolds, Sr. came to Clair in 1987 from the LaSalle United Methodist Church in St. Louis MO. His personal ‘signature was planning and implementation through total church involvement. He launched the Pastor’s Cabinet, the Twenty Plus Club, the Solace Committee and the Ambassadors and Visitors Club, church groups some of which continue to exist. Dr. Reynolds retired in 1991 after serving as Clair’s leader for four years.
With regard to the church, Rev. William M. Williams, Jr. ushered in the last decade of the 20th century. A native Omahan who previously pastured in Woodriver, NE and in Texas, the 1991 appointee was devoted to community outreach. Additionally, he represented Clair on the Ministerial Alliance council and at annual conferences of the United Methodist Churches. He would provide spiritual leadership to the church for 7 years before being appointed as District Superintendent/Scottsbluff.
Of particular importance in the life of Clair Memorial United Methodist Church was the appointment of its first woman minister, Rev. Rosalie N. Smith Anderson in June of 1998. As a pastor, Rev. Anderson brought a non-traditional favor to her ministry, strengthened by perspectives (female) not heretofore known. A strong advocate for service to the underserved, she instituted ministries for prison populations and for persons dealing with substance abuse issues. A capable organizer, Rev. Anderson, was able to establish processes for better managing the business of the church. As one of 5 living pastors of Clair, she continues to be acknowledged and appreciated by persons whose lives were changed for the better by her ministry.
The Rev. Curnell Graham came to shepherd the congregation of Clair in 2002. This South Carolina native and graduate of Duke Divinity School has been busy creating a different flavor at Clair. His experience serving churched in South Carolina, Michigan and Ohio is evident as he establishes innovative programs and/or broadens existing ones. Clair is a beehive of activity: Bible Study three times a week, Wednesday evening Hour-of-Power services, and a new music ministry – including guest directors – which has already performed an Easter Cantata and traveled to Kearney, NE and Battle Creek, MI. Rev. Graham was spirit-filled and dedicated with reverence of the past and his energy and enthusiasm for the future was right-on-time during his six years.
Presently, Rev. Portia Annette Cavitt has been our shepherd since July 1st, 2008. She came from the African Methodist Episcopal Church and is affectionately called ‘Pastor P’. Since coming to Clair, Pastor P had a much needed Church Property clean-up, established a “Summer Leadership Academy” for children 4-16 years old, instituted Ministering Programs for boys & girls (Destiny’s Children & Boyz II Men), developed a functioning computer lab and after school tutorial program, addressed various community health issues, growing participation in the Community Garden Project, revamped the music ministry to include: Youth Choir, Young Adult Choir & Male Chorus, Organized Outreach Ministries and Worship Service for Lutheran Nursing Home, and teaching various bible studies of spiritual growth and discipleship (Living Your Strengthen, Purpose Driven Life, Stir Up Your Gift, Lenten Studies, etc. and much, much, more. Clair is a Church that is “Reclaiming the Legacy” based upon our rich history.